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Service Delivery

Enhance service delivery, accelerate project turnaround times, and elevate client engagement with PRIME BPM’s end-to-end approach to drive your consulting success.

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Elevate Your Consulting Practice with PRIME BPM

Accelerate your project delivery and client service with PRIME BPM, an advanced Business Process Management software designed for consultancies to easily map, analyze, improve, and implement client business processes. With an in-built methodology and automated functionalities, PRIME BPM ensures precise documentation and data-driven process improvements, laying the groundwork for your clients' automation, digital transformation, and system implementation projects.

PRIME takes an integrated approach, combining the power of advanced software, training and expert support to ensure a complete solution to drive your consulting growth.

Accelerated Project Delivery

With PRIME BPM’s built-in functionalities, fast-track client process mapping, improvement, and approval, cutting down on tedious backend tasks. Your consultants can now dedicate more time to customer deliverables, ensuring faster project delivery.

Revenue Growth

Faster project delivery leads to higher customer satisfaction and increased retention rates. Additionally, this efficiency frees up the capacity for your consultants to take on more projects. Both factors translate to significant revenue growth.

Enhanced Client Experience

Eliminate time-consuming feedback loops with clients by creating process maps in real-time during client workshops and making adjustments as needed. Combined with built-in feedback and collaboration capabilities within PRIME BPM software, this results in a significantly improved client experience and engagement.

Improved Client Retention

Easily capture and demonstrate quantifiable results in terms of process cost and efficiency to showcase ROI to end clients. Tangible outcomes along with sustained project momentum improve client retention and longevity.

Faster Client Onboarding

Empower your consultants to substantially reduce the time and effort spent on library-building activities for new client environments. Leverage the best practice library framework to eliminate the need to rework standardized processes, resulting in faster customer onboarding.

Rapid Scalability

With a standardized methodology for process capturing and improvement, and a single source of truth for client processes, simplify knowledge transfer and management. Quickly turn new hires into productive team members, scaling your operations while ensuring project efficiency and quality.

A Quick Glance at Real-World Consulting Success

Dive into the journey of how a leading consulting firm Avec fast-tracked its product delivery and took client service to the next level with PRIME BPM.

Key Achievements:

  • Significantly enhanced the onboarding of new customers and kickstarting of projects.
  • Improved project turnaround time by streamlining the review process, which was earlier a time-consuming activity.
  • Achieved a 60% reduction in approval time through real-time stakeholder engagement.
  • Demonstrated tangible savings for client projects.
  • Improved client longevity with longer-lasting client relationships and projects.

Fast-Track Service Delivery with Our Advanced Functionalities

Simplified Mapping

Consultants can quickly and easily create consistent and accurate process maps for client processes using in-built BPMN 2.0 and drag-and-drop functionalities. Process mapping time is reduced by over 75% compared to a static process mapping tool.

Identify Priority Customer Processes in a Click

Quickly identify customer processes with the highest potential of delivering ROI upon improvement in a click and take data-backed decisions to start the mapping and improvement project.

Process Time, Cost and Efficiency Analysis

PRIME’s automated analytics engine visually showcases data on current process performance, including time, cost, value, and efficiency, helping clients understand gaps and improvement opportunities.

Simulate and Validate Future State Processes

Easily simulate multiple future-state processes and carry out what-if analysis to test improvement ideas and compare them with the current client processes before actual implementation and choose the option that delivers maximum value.

Streamlined Collaboration for Faster Approval

Simplify and shorten the client feedback and approval process with PRIME’s collaboration capability, which allows client to make comments and suggest improvements directly against processes, eliminating the need for PDFs and PPTs.

Quick Client Onboarding with Best Practice Library

Quickly replicate the base processes in new client environments with the Best Practice Library and cloning feature. This saves substantial time and capacity in the new client library building, resulting in faster client onboarding.

In-built BPM Methodology

Streamline the end-to-end BPM lifecycle for client projects with PRIME’s best-in-class, in-built methodology combining the power of Lean, Six Sigma, Total Quality Management and Business Process Management.

Analyze the Impact of Proposed Changes

With impact analysis functionality, understand which roles, documents and systems could be impacted by a proposed process change and effectively communicate potential impacts to the client.

Version Controlled Processes

Stay aligned with your clients and avoid any confusion with Version Controlled Process. In PRIME, each version of the process is recorded with details on the changes made and who made the changes, ensuring transparency and clarity.

PRIME BPM vs. Static Tools: Discover Cost and Time Benefits

If you are using static tools for mapping and improving your client’s business processes, you could be wasting $70,000 and 100 staff days per 100 processes.

Explore the significant time and cost savings achievable through PRIME BPM per process for your consulting organization.

Building a process map with time attributes
TOOLS 5 Hours
BPM 2 Hours
Process mapping engine with a simple procedure editor cuts down process mapping time, saving 3 hours per process.
Perform time and cost analysis
TOOLS 2 Hours
BPM 0.25 Hours
Automated process analysis engine conducts process analysis automatically. The automated process analysis also removes the risk of inaccurate analysis, enhancing the overall quality of results.
Redesign Processes & Building Business Cases for each possible Process scenario
TOOLS 3 Hours
BPM 0.5 Hours
Simulation Engine allows building multiple process scenarios and visualising the results of each scenario with comparison graphics.
Gain customer feedback and process approval
TOOLS 1 Hours
BPM 0.25 Hours
Trigger automatic notifications and reminders to gain process approval with feedback provided in the tool on the process directly.
Total hours spent per process
11 Hours 3 Hours​
Time saved per process: 8 HOURS

Unlock Consulting Excellence with Our Integrated Approach

Drive scalability and revenue growth for your consultancy with PRIME BPM’s comprehensive approach. By integrating cutting-edge software, training, and robust customer support, PRIME BPM helps you enhance your project delivery excellence.

PRIME BPM Software

An intuitive platform, PRIME BPM is packed with features to help your consultants quickly map, analyse, improve and implement customer’s business processes.

Customer Support

Our team of seasoned BPM professionals works closely with you and supports your consultants and customers in PRIME, ensuring successful outcomes.


We provide comprehensive BPM concept and product training programs to ensure the effective utilisation of software for long-term success.

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