PRIME BPM empowers government agencies to streamline business operations and gain transparency to transform public services processes.

As with other industries, government agencies are also facing stiff challenges to operate efficiently in the era of digitalization, internet, and convergence of technologies. The focus is on utilising digital technologies effectively to create simple and intuitive services for the community. PRIME BPM empowers government agencies to effectively manage digital transformation and deliver people-centric services with greater integration among people, processes and systems.
Better and Timely Citizen Service
Using PRIME BPM’s value stream mapping service, identify activities that do not add value or cause delays in customer service in a click. For instance, understand non-value-adding activities and lags in the Visas and Citizenship services process. Improve the turnaround time and customer service using this information.
Secured and Seamless Information Sharing
Easily define the right user access and permissions and ensure secured access to updated processes and information through the central process repository . Using powerful collaborative features, easily connect and collaborate to give approvals and suggest ideas and improvement in real-time. This greatly improves efficiency and decision making.
Manage Digital Transformation
Digitising services enables the government to increase efficiency and meet public expectations. Get quantifiable data to support or deny digitisation of a particular task/ process using what-if analysis. Simulate and understand the benefits or risks of digitising a process and take an informed decision regarding the implementation. Also make adjustments to deliver maximum benefits with respect to key metrics, including cost, value, time and efficiency.
Mitigate Risks
Manage risks effectively by clearly defining user restrictions. Define which users from a department can access, view and edit a particular document, system and information. Significantly reduce the risk of fraud, data loss or error.
Ensure Regulatory Compliance
Receive automated alerts and notifications to make sure that upcoming compliance event is actioned by the due date. Easily ensure regulatory compliance standards are being met.